Green Procurement
Global environmental preservation requires broad approaches not only by scaffolding manufacturers but also by the suppliers of parts and materials. JustScaffolders requires all our suppliers to adhere to our Green Procurement Standards to promote environmentally friendly material purchasing.
In 2020, we will issue our Supply-Chain CSR Development Guidebook to expand our CSR activities among our suppliers and conduct a fact-finding survey regarding all our services and products, with the aim to promote our supply-chain-wide CSR efforts.
Design with Concern for the Environment
We design our scaffolding solutions to use eco-friendly features, including non-toxic products, reduced consumption, and the use of materials that can be locally recycled. We also aim for easier material identification and safer disposal of non-recyclables. JustScaffolders is committed to providing eco-friendly scaffolding services that comply with regulations and prepare for future legislative requirements.
Reduction of Hazardous Chemicals
While the use of chemicals is inevitable in the production of scaffolding materials, JustScaffolders acknowledges the potential for many chemicals to have a harmful impact on the environment or human health if misused or mismanaged. The appropriate management of chemicals and avoidance of substances with significant environmental impacts are crucial components of our business.
JustScaffolders fulfills its corporate duty to reduce environmental impact through the creation of standards and proper management of the storage, use, and release of chemical substances used in production and purchasing, in compliance with laws and regulations.
At JustScaffolders, we believe our customers have the right to know our stance on animal testing and our policy on this important issue, especially in a world where chemicals are widely used across various business sectors.
We confirm that our suppliers and vendors do not conduct or commission animal tests on their products. This policy is guided by two major pieces of EU regulation that significantly impact our business: REACH Regulations and the Biocidal Products Directive (BPD). Both regulations require partner companies to provide comprehensive dossiers of information to the relevant authorities, including toxicological and eco-toxicological data, which align with our organizational values, vision, and mission.
These regulations strongly advocate for the use of alternatives to animal testing to ensure the safety of ingredients and preparations. In line with this, we prioritize and support methods that do not involve animal testing.
Additionally, we are willing to provide full PDF documents of the Animal Testing policies from the companies we partner with, upon request. This transparency ensures that our commitment to ethical practices is clear and accessible to all our stakeholders.
By adhering to these principles, JustScaffolders upholds its dedication to ethical conduct, environmental responsibility, and the welfare of animals.
JustScaffolders colleagues are expected to conduct our purchasing activities with integrity, making informed decisions that align with our company values and principles. It is essential to distinguish between right and wrong, ensuring our choices reflect our commitment to ethical practices.
JustScaffolders will partner with suppliers and vendors whose actions align with our company’s values. We prioritize working with suppliers whose ethical and environmental policies are in harmony with our own principles and values. We aim to develop long-term, mutually beneficial partnerships with suppliers who respect our commitment to fairness, ethics, and environmental responsibility.
Our purchasing guidelines include:
Accredited Sourcing:
- Source materials from suppliers with recognized industry accreditation.
- Collaborate with JustScaffolders’ development team and suppliers to ensure sustainable sourcing practices.
Ethical and Environmental Practices:
- Select suppliers who demonstrate a commitment to ethical and environmentally friendly practices.
- Manage supplier payments fairly and consistently adhere to agreed terms.
Integrity and Fairness:
- Maintain the highest standards of integrity in our relationships with suppliers and vendors.
- Reject any business practices that may be deemed improper and never use our authority or position for personal gain.
Rejection of Unlawful Practices:
- Reject suppliers and vendors engaged in unlawful practices or violations of employee rights.
- Oppose discrimination based on race, gender, age, nationality, or religious belief.
Addressing Improper Activities:
- Approach suppliers engaged in improper activities and seek to address these issues.
- If resolution fails, JustScaffolders will seek alternative suppliers.